The fourth module, which started in the second half of the minor, focused on the creation of future scenarios which acts as the foundation for a clear vision for the Oosterhoogebrug area.

Key within this process was doing research on trends through the STEEP-method. Factors in the categories Social, Technical, Economic, Environmental, and Political have been researched by all group members and the most impactful and uncertain trends were chosen as extremities for the so-called Titan’s Cross. As a group we would take Housing Market and Equality as the drivers of change.

We divided the quadrants for which we all would develop a internally consistent and appealing scenario, I had the bottom-right quadrant with a Healthy Housing Market and Low Equality. In a diagrammatic form I’ve tried to figure out how the world would look like with these two extremities and other stable trends in mind.

After multiple coaching sessions and discussions we put all the scenarios next to each other. Where does the Oosterhoogebrug neighbourhood stand at this moment in time? What is most likely to happen in the future? And what will be the goal we want to work towards to with our vision? Questions we’ve had to answer to formulate our research question for the final module of Application & Evaluation.

The presentation we gave to the class where the above mentioned questions are answered, together with my final report can be found in the documents below.