The fifth module within the minor has been the most theoretical of all. Focused on how to implement critical thinking in a design process, and how to make this process visible through the use of flowcharts and diagrams.
The workflow of all modules have been put in a diagrammatic visualisation. Which different forms of input (i.e. coaching sessions) and output (i.e. draft and final products) did the process have? Which factors led to the next step within various processes?
As the chairperson within our group, I’ve been heavily involved with the creation of the flowcharts. I’ve seen it as a useful way to keep overview of the tasks, which helped me to streamline the workflow of the group process.
All the diagrams of the different modules can be found below. I’ve coloured the individual steps and products to give an indication of my participation within the specific part of the process. Where the green colour stands for a active role, blue stands for a supportive role, and white for a passive role within the given steps. A short explanation can be read below all the diagrams.
During this module I’ve had a specific role in regard to interviewing residents and stakeholders, and shooting video footage in Leeuwarden. And afterwards in transcribing and analysing the given information by our informants. I had a supportive role in regard to the planning of the fieldwork, the deskresearch of others helped me with preparing the interviews in Leeuwarden. Within the creating and editing phase I did all of the sound editing of the interviews for the final video. Due to a Covid-19 infection I was quarantined during the presentations, so I attended this via Teams.During this module I’ve had a active participation within all different parts of the process. The first product Side 1: Objective Analysis was a real group effort, where all members equally put in their time and creativity. I made a analysis of the different building types in the neighbourhood and created some sketches according to the method of Gordon Cullen. For the Subjective Maquette I had a clear task: the creation of all the miniature wooden buildings. I’ve put a lot of time and love in making these, to convince my other group members that the use of wood was a great choice.For this module the same counts for my participation as module mentioned before this one. As already described on the specific page of this module, I recovered from the above mentioned Covid-19 infection during the first week. This gave me plenty of time to read the handed out theory on Social Stratification. The first day after my quarantine, I immediately went to the neighbourhood for the walk with the social workers. And a few days after I’ve walked through the neighbourhood with two of my team members to interview residents and form a first impression of the area. Especially for the Group poster my input has been very high, as we made this product with only three members. For all other parts I’ve contributed a fair share of work.