The third module focused on research of social structures and social stratification within the Oosterhoogebrug, by conducting deskresearch and interviewing residents of the neighbourhood.

After a guided tour by social workers who are active within the neighbourhood, and multiple visits where I spoke with inhabitants, I made a First Impressions Poster.

The second assignment was a group product, a poster decribing the different forms of Social Infrastructure which are available in the Oosterhoogebrug neighbourhood.

The final assignment for this module was a physical presentation of a Meaningful Route in the neighbourhood. All members of the group interviewed various residents about the routes they often take. The assessment was a walk with the teachers through the Oosterhoogebrug area where we, as students, explained how the chosen inhabitants thought about various things along the route. The document which we used as preparation for this presentation can be seen below.

To conclude this module I reflected on my experiences with interviewing local residents and researching social stratification in the Oosterhoogebrug neighbourhood, the final report can be downloaded below.