The second module within the minor focused on the objective and subjective physical properties of the Oosterhoogebrug neighbourhood, the research area of the minor.

The focus subject of our group was Architecture & Urban Design. As I began the module with a false start due to a Covid-19 infection, I researched the objective qualities of different architectural styles within the neighbourhood. While my group members focused on making various maps regarding Space and Mass, Building Height, Building Year and Building Functions. The research has been presented in two ways:

  • A poster in the form of a wooden board
  • A powerpoint presentation

The second assignment during the module revolved around the creation of a subjective maquette of the neighbourhood. As a group we chose to make the different types of building with different materials. I convinced my group to make the buildings from wood, because I see it as a sustainable material to work with (when compared to foam) and I like to do some woodworking in my spare time. The result of this can be seen below.

Other products I have made during the minor have been sketches according to the method of Gordon Cullen and a manual for the woodworking process I have used for the small wooden buildings. One of the other students requested this after we presented our maquette, she wanted to make a custom Monopoly game and saw these building as perfect models for the houses and hotels.